On the way to the Vatican we went outside the original gates of Rome. They are centuries old, however, I forgot how they are. At the Vatican there were amazing sculptures, paintings, and tapestries. It was interesting to find out that the sculptures were originally painted. We passed one sculpture that had eyes painted on it, but most of the sculptures we saw were simply stone colored.
On the visit to St. Peter’s we were able to see the end of a church service. We originally did not know the service was going on, we heard organ music playing and began to wonder. As the service ended the guards blocked the crowd so they could walk past us to their quarters.
At the Colosseum we were able to see where the trap doors for the animals to come out, as in the movie Gladiator. A stage was being set up at one end of the Colosseum. As it turns out Andrea Bocceli is going to play at the Colosseum on Monday night as a prelude to the football game on Wednesday. I was really intrigued by the Constantine’s Gate. It was massive (See photo above.)
Also, the Champions Cup (UEFA) is going to be played in Rome on Wednesday. We walked through the Champions Village near the Colosseum.
The end of the day was a chance for us to learn some Italian. Our instructor Maria was very good and we had a lot of laughs as we butchered our way through the language attempting to use Spanish and Spanglish. I think many of us will begin to use Spatalian.
For the night we decided to split up for dinner and enjoy a great evening in Rome.
Kitrick, Applied Kinesiology Master of Education (Sport Management)
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